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09/18/2021: What is Family?


Every since I was a little child I have been taught how important the family is. Today more than every before the family unit is being attack. The world wants us to believe that the family isn't important. That it's okay for 2 people to live together and bring children into the world outside of the bond of marriage. That marriage isn't important. We are also told that 50% of marriages end in divorce, so why would you want to get married? We are told that over population is a rising problem. We are constantly bombarded with these messages on social media and in TV shows.

So how do we navigate the waters of the world and still be true to the family? How can we be in the world but not of the world?

Well, heck if I know. But this is my personally opinion. The family is sacred, and the most important and valuable thing you can ever have. A family is more than just a bunch of people living under the same roof. A family is a support system, it is the fundamental unit of our society. It's a place where a child should feel safe. Recently I had the opportunity to watch a video for addressing some of the above concerns. This video, entitled, The Family and Sustainable Development, talks about man, woman, and even children are more likely to thrive in today's world by being apart of a strong family. Children also tend to do better in school when coming from a home with 2 parents.

International, Family watch. The Family and Sustainable Development. YouTube, YouTube, 22 Aug. 2017,

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